The only all-in-one platform for shareholder communication, corporate governance and compliance.
For in-house legal teams
Build a roadmap for your proxy statement including relevant dates, required items utilizing relevant precedent
by Industry
Keep your risk factors current for market developments using on-point precedent examples delivered wtih AI-enable DragonFind
Use AI to draft an 8-K Item 1.05 to disclose a material cybersecurity event
Align With Voting Guidelines
Compare your governance policies to ISS recommendations in anticipation of a 14a-8 Shareholder proposal
Review your draft disclosure against legal requirements and precedent examples by topic
You’re shutting down a division of the company — Examine how peers have disclosed complex cost-cutting initiatives that also involve Executive changes in management
Mitigate Risk
Reduce exposure to litigation by adding novel risk factor from Microsoft’s disclosure unfortunate cybersecurity attack and subsequent shareholder litigation
Keep the Board and C-Suite abreast of trends in Challenges to Shareholder Proposals, including the rise of successful (i)(7) arguments and "getting back to business" theme